Going on memory here: I believe it is music from Karl Orff's Carmina Burana, and specifically the famous portion called "O Fortuna," which is certifiably scary music.
The theme music is called "If I Had Words."
Their Is No Theme
The movie is The Omen.
Yup! You just said it. Opening music. Some other names are themes, theme tracks, theme music, opening theme, theme music and way more! ;D
Theme from "Exodus"
It's the theme to the movie, Exodus from 1960.
Omen - music producer - was born on 1976-08-21.
The theme music is called "If I Had Words."
hey the theme music for the movie the condemned is given below with its link "You Don't Know" by Eminem, 50 Cent, Lloyd Banks & Cashis i hope u like ........its an awesome movie//////////
Brad Fiedel was the composer who wrote the theme music to the movie Terminator. Brad Fidel also composed the music for the second installment in the Terminator series.
Theme song of the play- and later movie- The Sound of Music.
No. Daft Punk made the music and theme song for the Tron movie.
The name of the app that can make a movie with characters as well as create theme music is Stupeflix.
High Flight
In the 7th movie it's called hedwig's theme--i think it's hogwarts theme for the rest.
No, Tubular Bells is better known as the theme song to The Exorcist, not The Omen. I checked and it is not listed on the soundtrack of either the 1976 nor the 2006 version of The Omen.