The theme is pre-existence and the purity and innocence of childhood that becomes tainted and sullied throughout life. A moving away from God and divinity and a yearning to retreat, till you return to the dust you came from.
Anthony Vaughan is 6'.
Vaughan Penn was born in North Carolina, in USA.
Terence Vaughan died in 1996.
look for it by Henry Mancini
Henry Vaughan was born on April 17, 1622.
Henry Vaughan was born on April 17, 1622.
Henry Vaughan Brooke was born in 1743.
Henry Vaughan Brooke died in 1807.
John Henry Vaughan was born in 1892.
John Henry Vaughan died in 1965.
Henry Vaughan - architect - was born in 1845.
Henry Vaughan - architect - died in 1917.
Henry Earle Vaughan died on 1978-03-09.
Henry Earle Vaughan was born on 1912-02-03.
Henry Halford Vaughan died on 1885-04-19.
Henry Halford Vaughan was born on 1811-08-27.