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Q: What is the technical musical word for volume?
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What musical piece is designed for developing technical skills?

An étude (a French word meaning study), is an instrumental musical composition, most commonly of considerable difficulty, usually designed to provide practice material for perfecting a particular technical skill.

What is the definition of the word musical?

the Defetition of the word Musical a school play of a musical

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crescendo is an Italian word. It means "growing" in English.

What is technical rehearsal?

The technical rehearsal or tech rehearsal is a rehearsal that focuses on the technological aspects of the performance, in theatrical,musical, and filmed entertainment.

What is a technical rehearsal?

The technical rehearsal or tech rehearsal is a rehearsal that focuses on the technological aspects of the performance, in theatrical,musical, and filmed entertainment.

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What part of speech is the word musical?

Musical is an adjective (musical tastes) and a noun (a musical).

What is used to increase the volume of a musical instrument?

An Amplifier is used to increase the volume of an electrical musical instrument by boosting the signal of the instrument and "amplifying" it through a speaker system.

What is used increase the volume of a musical instrument?

An Amplifier is used to increase the volume of an electrical musical instrument by boosting the signal of the instrument and "amplifying" it through a speaker system.

What is the greman word for musical?

german? musical.

What are People who impersonate musical instruments and machines called?

There really is no technical name for someone who impersonates musical instruments and machines. They would simply be called an impersonator of musical instruments and machines.

What is the noun from of word musical?

The word 'musical' is the both an adjective and a noun.The noun 'musical' is a word for a play or motion picture in which the story line is interspersed with or developed by music and songs; a word for a thing.Examples:The student has a natural musical ability. (adjective)The song is from a Broadway musical. (noun)The noun form of the adjective 'musical' is musicality.