they shown that no matter what happen as long as they are build as a group, they would be pass in every challenge.
Homer did not have a girlfriend but had a close friend that was a girl named Valentine.
The Wernher Von Braun referenced in October Sky, was a German rocket scientist, space architect, and one of the leading figures in the development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany during WW2 and in the US after that. i got the answers from Cha Cha all credit goes to them
Empty Sky - Bruce SpringsteenGuns in the Sky - INXSLucy in the Sky with Diamonds - Elton John
to get out of Coalwood
the 1999 movie October Sky is based on a true story and is set in 1950 in a town Coalwood, West Virginia.
October Sky, by Homer Hiram, was published in 1999. It was originally published under the title Rocket Boys in 1998; it was re-released under the title October Sky after a movie based on the book, and titled "October Sky", was made in 1998. October Sky by Homer Hickam was published in 1999. It was originally published under the title Rocket Boys in 1998; it was re-released under the title October Sky after a movie based on the book (and titled October Sky) was released in 1998.
pure alcohol
Jake Gyllenhaal played Homer Hickam in the movie October Sky.
October Sky !!
The original name for the movie October Sky was Rocket Boy, but was changed so that the movie would get a better attendance of females. October Sky is just an anagram of Rocket Boy. Hope this was helpful!
The popular film "October Sky" was directed by renowned Joe Johnston. It is a 1999 American biographical film that stars the talented Jake Gyllenhaal.
He was a miner and had lung problems.
in the movie October Sky, the guy who died in the mine's number is 723
October of 1957 is the beginning of the movie when Sputnik orbits over Homer's hometown
The movie October Sky in 1999 was based on Homer Hickam story. The story was about his motivation to take up rocketry which was the launched of Soviet Union's Sputnik 1.