The basic story line behind the manga series Hunter X Hunter is about a boy named Gon. Gon found out his father is actually alive and is a Hunter so Gon decided to attempt to be a Hunter himself.
The moral story behind the movie The Amateurs was that people should never give up and fight for what they truly believe in, even if it is difficult to achieve it.
yes it is because my moms name is blixy and she was named after a poem and a story named blixy
yes it was a true story from a long time ago except for extremely small changes
The story behind the band name Phish is a frequently asked question. There is no one answer but the easiest one would be that it was derived from the drummer's name, Jon Fishman. The band changed the name to Phish because it was easier to copyright.
how the author of aeneid deliver tne message behind the story
read this:
Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt - the story behind his association with 'teddy bears' can be found here:
The Story Behind 'Toy Story' - 2000 V is rated/received certificates of: Spain:T
Behind story of moment of truth by FM static?
Theme is the messege behind the story
It is named after the hero of the story, Odysseus
Story Behind the Story - 1991 The Death of John Lennon was released on: USA: April 1991
It is quarter of a gallon, - end of story.
she dies
The story behind rainy day crossroad blues is An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. This story was written by Ambrose Bierce.
There are probably a million stories behind the game of football.