Luna by Asako Serizawa is about a young girl named Luna, her sister, Katy, and her mother and father. They go on a trip to Japan, their paternal grandfather is sick in the hospital. They visit the beach, and Luna's mother slaps a spider on Luna's face, which made her ear feel 'boxed', this feeling stays with her throughout the whole trip. Their father drags them to a bomb shelter to learn about their heritage, which evidently scares the young girls. Later that evening the family eats dinner at their grandmother's house, and through the dinner, the girls learn that their father was adopted, is actually Korean, and is divorcing their mother. When Luna, Katy, and their mother see their father off at the hospital, Luna turns her semi-deaf ear to her father, while he speaks nice words and lies to her. She simply turns her face back to his and smiles, reassuring him that she believes his lies, even if she really hadn't. Luna hadn't seen her father for a long time after that. We're told that she learns many things about herself from this experience in the future, but for now, she just feels numb.
Luna Online happened in 2009.
Luna Lovegood is not a language, she is a fictional character in the Harry Potter series. Luna speaks in English.
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley's only daughter was named Lily Luna Potter, after Harry's deceased mother, Lily, and their good friend, Luna Lovegood.
Luna's hair is straight.
Luna Lovegood is a character in the Harry Potterseries.Introduced in the fifth book, Luna becomes a prominent character as an active member of the DA. Luna also fights in the battle at the Department of Mysteries. Luna and Harry become close friends, a bond that remains for life. Harry and Ginny name their daughter Lily Luna Potter, with the middle name to honour Luna.
Hideaki Serizawa is 187 cm.
Keisuke Serizawa was born in 1895.
Hiroaki Serizawa was born in 1948.
Keisuke Serizawa died in 1984.
Nobuo Serizawa was born on 1959-11-10.
Ichiro Serizawa was born on 1945-03-10.
Naoki Serizawa was born on 1976-09-13.
Hideaki Serizawa was born on August 20, 1973, in Tokyo, Japan.
Asako Toki was born in 1976.
Asako Kishi was born in 1923.
Asako Watanabe was born in 1969.
Serizawa contribution to shiatsu was that he was special Instructors Training Lecturer of Tokyo Education University.