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140 is probably your best bet, but it depends.

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Q: What is the speed range for 'lively' on a metronome?
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How Much Is Three Fourths On The Metronome?

The metronome times tempo which means speed. Look at the top of your music and you should see the tempo it is written in. Then set the metronome for that tempo. The metronome will click every time you should play a note.

What keeps the beat of music?

Metronome. Sometimes abbreviated "mm." for Maezel's metronome.

How do you pick up speed on guitar?

By practicing. Find a simple lick that you can play and a metronome. First, set the metronome to a speed you can comfortably keep playing the lick at. Then gradually speed it up. If you lose it, put the tempo down a couple of steps and try again.

What is the name of the instrument used by musicians to calculate the speed of a piece of music?


What is the metronome speed for Stranglehold?

apx 75 (they rush from time to time throughout the song)

A musical time measurer is called?

A metronome.

Is a mechanism that produces a ticking sound at any desired musical speed?

That instrument is called a Metronome.

What is the instrument that you use to count beats in music called?

Tempo is measured in the number of beats per minute. Metronomes were traditionally used to do this, but it is more common to use music sequencers to do so now.

What is the device called that helps you keep time on piano?

It is a metronome.

Term for apparatus used to indicate speed in music?

Tempo. Italian for Time and is used to indicate the speed in music.

What apparatus produces ticking sounds or flashes of light at a desired musical speed?

A metronome is the apparatus that produces ticking sounds at a desired musical speed to help musicians maintain a consistent tempo when practicing or performing. It is also available in digital form for modern use.

What is the purpose of a metronome?

The purpose of a metronome is to keep musicians playing in time with the music. When you set the speed the metronome ticks to the beat of the music which keeps the musician in time.