Matt Martin is a racing car driver and the son of NASCAR driver Mark Martin.
the song was only made for commercial :(
There's no such song since it was specifically made for the commercial.
What is the song on the Integris commercial?
The song that plays on the commercial where the spartan is shot down with the bomb? If so that song is "Deliver Hope". :)
Let's Go Racing Boys.
NASCAR Racing was created in 1994.
Lets ride by airborne.
NASCAR Kart Racing happened in 2009.
Toby Lightman can be credited for the awful "theme song" for NASCAR. She sounds like she singing to kindergartners...a great sound for the sport...NOT!!
No, Wendell Scott's daughter, Deborah, is not racing in Nascar.
EA Sports NASCAR Racing happened in 2007.
EA Sports NASCAR Racing was created in 2007.
Toby Lightman sings the song
NASCAR 08 is a season in NASCAR racing and also a video game.
On NASCAR Kart Racing, you earn tracks by defeating Rivals on Championship Series.
Nascar overspends and some areas have no racing.