are you talking about the song that they always play when Julian is gunna kill someone?? its called you still love me by ray chang...or the other one is called el cajon de mis recuerdos by Alexander miro!!
if the song lyrics are about being in love, it usually means that he likes you.
"I have a girl named a RammaLamma-lammalamma ding dong ,she really likes me, my RammaLamma lamma lamma ding dong..." is the gist of the song "RammaLammaDingDong".
lady gaga's favourite song is poker face der. no it is actually paparazzi. No, it's Monster. Okay. You 3 controbuters up there are all corect. Lady Gaga likes all of her songs. If she made a song up she didn't like, she wouldn't post it. She likes every songs expecially her album which is The Fame and Monster.
Heard the song Going Through Changes? He at least likes Ozzy. So yes.
The singer is Pedro Castillo.
Mirror, Mirror by Jane Taylor
He sings the track called : Mira Mira look it up on youtube ;)
Alguien Soy Yo - Enrique Iglesias
The sentence "Tanya likes the song 'America the Beautiful'" is correctly punctuated. The song title is enclosed in single quotation marks to set it apart from the rest of the sentence.
The Song That Jane Likes was created in 1993.
Yes, as Mira sing the UTAU Rugrats Theory song it starts to get creeper at the end and she starts to have breathing troubles and that her tears coke her to death.
To me it sounds like the song Mira by artist Fulanito, it's a merengue. It's a clip that is sampled from this song and looped.
she likes all kind's of music.
If a guy sings you a song, that means he likes you or he is really friendly. It depends on what type of song it is. Not many guy would sing a song to a girl, this means he probably likes you.
yes he likes brenda song and miley cyrus. he kisses brenda song first. he said he likes both of them but don't know who to choose
Leonard Cohen likes wine, women and song.