I shot the sheriff - Eric Clapton
Knockin' on heaven's door - Bob Dylan
Maybe in the first song the sheriff doesn't die, not sure.
No one knows if it is actually getting shut down, but some people say on March 14th. SOPA is the worst bill that I have seen so far.. Megaupload was shut down a day after several sites protested against SOPA.
The Boys and Girls Guide to Getting Down
Jay Sean featuring Lil' Wayne. The song is called Down, not "baby are you down down down"If you are asking what the name of of a song with the phrase "Baby are you down down down down down", then it's "Down" by Jay Sean f/ Lil Wayne.The song is called "Down" by Jay Sean.
Its called "Knock You Down" by Keri Hilson
That is called a "glissando".
because they are getting to old and getting hunted down by pouchers
Because the 'Rainforests' are getting cut down in high quantities making them less in number, like Panda's for example, they are dying out so they are called 'endangered animals'.
Yes, the sheriff was always trying hunt down and kill Robin Hood
Sloths are dying from people cutting down their natural habitats,rain forests.
According to Jon Gruden, who coined the term, it's because Peyton Manning goes into other teams' stadiums and lays down the law.
NO, if your fish is lying down it is probably dying or dead.
down down up pause up down up
Change the fuel filter
Dumbledore didn't die from falling down. He was killed by the killing curse, and then fell down.
When their swimming upside down its usually a sign that their dying