The possessive singular of all English nouns is formed by adding-'s: actress's. The use of an apostrophe alone is reserved for PLURAL possessives.
There is no singular possessive of "actresses". The word itself is plural. The singular possessive of actress, however is "actress's."
The singular possessive form is actress's.
The plural possessive form of actress is actresses'.
actress' .
The possessive form of the plural noun actress is actresses'.
There is no singular possessive of "actresses". The word itself is plural. The singular possessive of actress, however is "actress's."
The singular possessive form is actress's.
actresses (One actress, two actresses)The plural for the word actress is actresses.
The singular possessive form of "test" is "test's".
The singular possessive pronouns are "my," "mine," "your," "yours," "his," "her," and "its."
The singular possessive of "ant" is "ant's" and the plural possessive is "ants'".
Museum is singular. Museum's is singular possessive. Museums is plural. Museums' is plural possessive.
The singular possessive form of "classmate" is "classmate's."
Taco's is the singular possessive.
The singular possessive of dish is dish's
The singular possessive is Martin's.
Buzz's is the singular possessive.