Justin's full name is Justin Randall Timberlake and he was born on January 31, 1981 (1981-01-31) (age 29 at the minute)
The name of Justin Timberlake's old boy band was called N'Sync.
Justin Bieber's moms middle name is Lynda. Her full name is Pattie Lynda Mallete Bieber.
Justin biebers last name is actually bieber his full name is Justin drew bieber
Pattie Mallette is pop singer Justin Bieber's Mother. Divorced from Jeremy Bieber, but Justin has his father's last name.
His middle name is Drew. Drew
Justin Randall Timberlake
Justin Randall Timberlake
The name of Justin Timberlake's old boy band was called N'Sync.
Justin Timberlake, or you can call him branch, from trolls.
Justin Timberlake's mother is Lynn Harless.
Justin Randall TimberlakeJustin Timberlake's real name is Justin Randall Timberlake
His middle name is Randall I know becuz I have a book all about him
Justin Timberlake went to E.E. Jeter Elementary school in Millington, Tennessee.
Justin Timberlake did have a girlfriend. Her name was Jessica Biel. But Justin and Jessica had split on September 30, 2009. In his former teen years, Justin had dated U.S. female pop singer Britney Spears. He was romantically linked to Alyssa Milano for some time but personally in secret.
drew miranda 1525 - yes it is justin drew bieber singer actor and more comment on my profile if helped
His full name is Justin Drew Bieber. Bieber is pronounced Bee-bur.
Justin Bieber's moms middle name is Lynda. Her full name is Pattie Lynda Mallete Bieber.