Their are no "silent letters" as the 4 letters "eigh" make a single long A sound (as in weigh, eight). It is possible, however, to consider the GH consonant pair as silent because the "ei" vowel pair alone can sometimes have an A sound (lei, rein). But other "ei" words have other sounds (neither).
Silent News ended in 2003.
If the day for performance is fixed and the debtor fails to perform, it is the alternate date of performance. If the delay is due to corporation of creditor, he is liable to breech of contract.
what is the silent letter for sword
The letter 'a' would be silent, the word being pronounced as Goht
The silent letter in plateau is "u".
The silent letter in "excess" is the letter "c".
The letter "r" is silent in the word "worst".
The letter which is silent in the word folk is the letter L.
A silent letter is a letter in a word that is not pronounced when the word is spoken. In the word "first," the letter "r" is silent and not pronounced.
The 'w' is silent in the word "answer".
The W is silent; wrong is pronounced 'rong'.
No, the word "crinkled" does not have a silent letter. Each letter is pronounced when saying the word.
The silent letter in "wrong" is the letter "w."
It is pronounced as mih-tenso, no letter is silent.