The Fleur-de-lis is featured on the British Coat of Arms because the British had an Alliance with the French during their history.
The significance is that Katniss realizes it reminds her of Peeta
No , there was no significance to the fact myrtle died on nicks birthday. It was just a coincidence!
because he is a thug :.
he doesn't understand the significance of it
Normally written as a Phrase Fleur de Lis- Lit. Lily Flower symbol is associated with France from medieval times. it could symbolize a spear or battle-axe and oddly this angle is rarely explored. It is also used on U.S.N. compass roses as an indicator mark.
no significance
The adjective of significance is significant.The adverb of significance is significantly.
what is the significance 1.45% ?
Significance of Pharmaceutical
what is the significance of scientific method?what is the significance of scientific method?
The word "significance" translates to "kahalagahan" in Tagalog.
What is the significance of DNA?
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monarch historical significance is when
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Significance of participation in urban management Significance of participation in urban management