The significance is that we may learn from them and be aware of what it can cause to our mental health. A lot of encouragement have put them to place in executing a testimony in sharing there personal experience towards TV addictions. It may able us to share it with others to the use of connection and communication.
The cocaine addicts think that Evan is Jimmy's brother.
I don't know you addicts
The significance is that Katniss realizes it reminds her of Peeta
probably drug addicts or low lifes wasting mom ill gotten gains
Starvation/neglection. All the main characters are too busy shooting up and the baby dies.
wala lnag gud sira man gud dokol nya c intes
wala lnag gud sira man gud dokol nya c intes
wala lnag gud sira man gud dokol nya c intes
this question pertains to psychological testimonies.
personal testimonies (testimonials)
Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies was created in 1979.
Videos of breast cancer survivor testimonies can be found online. Youtube has many channels by searching for breast cancer survivor testimonies videos.
Protoculture Addicts was created in 1987.
Testimonies and Evidence I Daughter of Kong - 2011 was released on: USA: September 2011
Telly Addicts was created on 1985-09-03.
Telly Addicts ended on 1998-07-29.
Food Addicts Anonymous was created in 1987.