Well, I would say yes... I mean, he was dating Gavin Creel... And he has, according to some, been "out of the closet" so signs do point to yes!
His sexual orientation is unknown. You can vote or guess all that you want but if he doesn't say then you can't know for sure.
Drew and Jonathan Scott, the Property Brothers, are both straight.
Jonathan Frakes is 64 years old (birthdate: August 19, 1952).
ACTUALLY Jonathan Groff is gay he even admitted he said he was truly "gay and proud" so the answer before was very much wrong.
The sexual orientation of Jonathon Tyler, from the band "Jonathan Tyler and the Northern Lights", is not publicly known.
Jonathan Groff was born on March 26, 1985.
Jonathan Groff was born on March 26, 1985.
Jonathan Lipnicki is heterosexual.
His sexual orientation is unknown. You can vote or guess all that you want but if he doesn't say then you can't know for sure.
Drew and Jonathan Scott, the Property Brothers, are both straight.
Jonathan Frakes is 64 years old (birthdate: August 19, 1952).
He is straight. Even though rumors wanted him to have a sexual relationship with a man Jonathan Rhys Meyers isn't gay.
Jonathan Groff.
Some projects that are present for Jonathan Groff include the Film's "SOPHIE" and "Frozen." You can get more information about these films at the Internet Database Website.
Jonathan Togo, the American actor has not stated his sexual preference in public. WikiAnswers will not speculate on what is personal and private information to any individual.
Sexual orientation is a personal aspect of an individual's identity that is independent of any specific reason or cause. Jonathan Ingram's sexual orientation is a part of his personal life that should be respected without questioning or needing a reason. Everyone has the freedom to love and be attracted to whomever they choose, regardless of their sexual orientation.
As of February 2012, Drew and Jonathan Scott have not indicated their sexual orientation to the general public.