Jerome Hester's birth name is Jerome Eldee Hester.
Nothing is known of her sexual orientation.
The Joker's sexual orientation is not written into his character.
Soko's sexual orientation is heterosexual/straight.
The fictional character of Yoshi is not depicted with sexual orientation.
Eric Jerome Dickey is straight.
Jerome Kern was born on January 27, 1885.
Jerome Kern was born on January 27, 1885.
Jerome Robbins was bisexual, and had a relationship with fellow actor, Montgomery Clift.
Henry Kern and Fannie Kern
Jerome Kern died on November 11, 1945 at the age of 60.
Jerome Hester's birth name is Jerome Eldee Hester.
Jerome Kern died on November 11, 1945 at the age of 60.
Make Believe - Jerome Kern song - was created in 1927.
Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Jerome Kern Songbook was created in 1963.
Margaret Whiting Sings the Jerome Kern Songbook was created in 1960.
Jerome Kern was born on January 27, 1885 and died on November 11, 1945. Jerome Kern would have been 60 years old at the time of death or 130 years old today.