Jeff Beck is heterosexual, and he has been married to Sandra Beck since 2005.
Jeff Beck was born on June 24, 1944.
Nothing is known of her sexual orientation.
The Joker's sexual orientation is not written into his character.
Soko's sexual orientation is heterosexual/straight.
Jeff Ballard's sexual orientation is currently unannounced.
Jeff Beck was born on June 24, 1944.
The Jeff Beck Group was created in 1966.
Jeff Beck was born on June 24, 1944.
Truth - Jeff Beck album - was created in 1966.
Flash - Jeff Beck album - was created in 1985.
No Jeff Beck played with the Yardbirds. Eric Clapton played with cream.
Hammerhead - Jeff Beck song - was created on 2010-04-13.
Jeff Beck's Guitar Shop was created on 2011-01-05.
Jeff Beck became a famous guitarist when he replaced Eric Clapton in the Yardbirds.
No, guitarist Jeff Beck was NOT Jewish! He was of English ancestry and his Father's Father was German.