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seaview highHannah goes to my school. I know shes really not that popular though. She goes to Beverly Blvd. High.

I think sea view middle school hope i helped she goes to ccl/community center of learning

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

In the first- season, Miley attends Seaview Middle Schoolas an 8th grader. In the second and third- season, Miley attends Seaview High School.

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Q: What is the school ' name of miley in Hannah Montana?
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What is the name of miley Stewart school?

Seaview High School in Hannah Montana.

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Miley did not change her name to Hannah Montana

What is her last name on the Hannah Montana show?

her name is miley stewart in hannah montana but real name is miley cryus

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Hannah Montana is the fake name of Miley Cyrus.

What is Hanah Montana's real name?

In the show, Hannah Montana, her name is Miley Stuart. Her actress' name is Miley Cyrus.

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Hannah Montana does not have a nick name. but Miley Cyrus's is smiley miley

Is Miley Cyrus actualy Hannah Montana?

Yes, Miley Cyrus is her name, and Hannah Montana is her stage name.

Hannah Montana full name in Hannah Montana serious?

Her full name is Hannah Montana. Or Miley Ray Stuart.

What is Hannah Montanas last name?

Hannah Montana's last name in Montana. Miley's (the character on the show) last name is Stewart. Miley's (the actress/singer) last name is Cyrus.

What college did Hannah Montana go to on Hannah Montana forever?

In Hannah Montana Forever Miley Stewart goes to Stanford University, but Hannah Montana does not go to college at all, because she tells the world the truth about Hannah Montana and that Hannah Montana is not her real name.

Miley's school's name in Hannah monatana?

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What is Hannah Montana's last name on the show?
