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Q: What is the samba shakers called?
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Related questions

What instruments are used in samba music and what do they do?

Agogo bells, Clays, shakers, Caixa, Cucia ,Tambourim, Chokalho, Timba, Apito and Surdo

Is there an animal called a samba?

There is a snake called the mamba...and a dance called the samba.

What is a samba singer?

A samba singer is someone who sings sambas. Sambas are the name for samba songs, and samba songs are a type of music with a distinctive rhythm (also called the samba) and dance (ALSO called the samba!), originating form Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

Is there a samba song called samba di tepa or anything similar?

There is a song called "Samba Pa Ti", an instrumental from the album "Abraxas" by Santana.

What is batmanuel?

It is on the nokia6210 and called samba.

What is batmanuel's ringtone?

It is on the nokia6210 and called samba.

What was there official name and why were they called shakers?

the oficial name is the Quakers

What religion believes in not having children?

The religion called Shakers.

Why was samba music first called 'samba de roda'?

Samba music was never called 'samba de roda'. Roda means 'circle formed by people', and it was more commonly used in capoeira, during the slavery. Samba de Roda is something under the influence of capoeira and samba, samba is the dance (as you may guess), but it's done in a roda with characteristic instruments of capoeira and Brazilian culture: Berimbau, Pandeiro, Atabaque etc. So, Samba de Roda has its own music with its own type and own characteristics and different from its original.

What celebration involves masks and a dance called the samba?


When was Shakers created?

Shakers was created in 1747.

What is the main samba drum called?

There are two main Samba drums, The deep booming bass drum is named a Surdo. The slightly more high pitched load drum is called a Tamborim