It depends on how well known the actor is and how much experience the actor has. It also depends on whether or not the actor happens to be working. It also will make a great deal of difference whether the actor works primarily in films, television or on the stage.
1 dollar
The voice of the Geico gecko is made by Jake Wood. It is not known how much he makes doing the voice. He is also an actor who is best known for playing Max Branning in EastEnders.
an actor who overacts An unskilled actor/actress that overacts!
What is jullian reynold s salary
Actor Brent Spiner.
it depends on the actor and the role
The starting salary for an actor depends on the location, experience and gender. The average amount would be around $33.82 per hour.
The average actor salary was $2140500.
His name is Paul Marcarelli. Can't find his salary.
nun your bizzness
WAAAY too much
Salary of an actor varies according to his status. Superstars charge very high amount. Normal actors get satisfied in one fourth of the amount as well.
1 dollar
55$ per hour