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I think it is rated PG-13, but i am not sure.

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Q: What is the runaways rated?
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Why is the runaways rated r?

The Runaways is rated R for languge, drug use, and sexual content.

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The Runaways - 1978 is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:12

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Runaways - 1995 SUSPENDED is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG-13

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The Young Runaways - 1968 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG USA:Approved (Suggested for Mature Audiences)

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Disneyland - 1954 The Young Runaways 24-17 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG

The movie the runaways is it rated R?

yes because of language, drug use and sexual content

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Yes the movie is rated R for language, drug use and sexual content - all involving teens.

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The Streets of San Francisco - 1972 The Runaways 2-12 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG (video rating) Canada:PG (video rating)

What is the runaways all about?

About The Runaways (a band)

When was The Runaways created?

The Runaways was created in 1975.

When did The Runaways end?

The Runaways ended in 1979.

When was Runaways - song - created?

Runaways - song - was created in 1992.