Who is j r r Tolkien?
J. R. R. Tolkien has written:
'The Silmarillion' -- subject(s): English Fantasy fiction,
Middle Earth (Imaginary place), Fiction, Fiction in English,
Fantasy, Elves
'The Hobbit, 1 Act'
'The fellowship of the ring' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'Hobitten eller Ud og hjem igen'
'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, Sir Orfeo'
'The Two Towers'
'Bilbo's Last Song' -- subject(s): Poetry, Middle Earth
(Imaginary place), Bilbo Baggins (Fictitious character), English
poetry, Juvenile poetry, Imaginary places, Fantasy, Children's
poetry, English
'Farmer Giles of Ham ; Aegidii Ahenobarbi Julii Agricole de
Hammo, Domini de Domito, Aule Draconarie Comitis, Regni Minimi
Regis et Basilei mira facinora et mirabilis exortus ; or in the
vulgar tongue, The rise and wonderful adventures of Farmer Giles,
Lord of Tame, Count of Worminghall and ' -- subject(s): Juvenile
literature, Folklore, Fairy tales, Dragons
'El Hobbit'
'J.R.R. Tolkien' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Illustrations,
English Fantasy fiction, English Manuscripts, Middle Earth
(Imaginary place) in art, Manuscripts
'The Tolkien address book'
'Tolkien Fantasy Tales Box Set (The Tolkien Reader/The
Silmarillion/Unfinished Tales/Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)'
'Essential Tolkien CD'
'Sauron defeated' -- subject(s): Textual Criticism, English
Fantasy fiction, Middle Earth (Imaginary place)
'Le Seigneur des Anneaux, 3 Volume Boxed Set Containing\\'
'Bt-Tolkien Calendar'89'
'The end of the third age' -- subject(s): Textual Criticism,
Middle Earth (Imaginary place)
'Bilbo le Hobbit'
'Lord of the Rings Set 1970'
'Lord of the Rings'
'The Book of Lost Tales, Part One (The History of Middle-Earth,
Vol. 1)' -- subject(s): Tolkien, Middle-Earth, MiddleEarth, Elf,
Elvies, Myths, Story telling
'The Two Towers'
'El Hobbit (Spanish language version)'
'The Fellowship of the Rings'
'The Lost Road and Other Writings (The History of Middle-Earth,
Vol. 5)'
'Il Signore Degli Anelli (Trilogia)'
'The Lord of the Rings 25th Anniversary Edition'
'Historischer Atlas von Mittelerde'
'The filmbook of J. R. R. Tolkien's The lord of the rings' --
subject(s): Lord of the rings (Motion picture), Lord of the rings
(Motion picture : 1978)
'El Retorno de La Sombra'
'Farmer Giles of Ham & Other Stories'
'The Return of the King (Lord of the Rings'
'Map Middle Earth'
'Le Seigneur des Anneaux, Volume 2'
'The Return of the King'
'De hobbit, of Daarheen en weer terug'
'Raiders of Cardolan (Middle Earth Role Playing/MERP)'
'Der Herr der Ringe Bd. 3'
'J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit'
'Cuentos Inconclusos Tomo III y IV'
'The Essential Tolkien Library'
'The Fellowship Of The Ring'
'J.R.R. Tolkien-4 Vol. (Boxed)'
'The Two Towers (The Lord of the Rings, Book 2) (in Simplified
'The Book of Lost Tales, Part Two (The History of Middle-Earth,
Vol. 2)' -- subject(s): Tolkien, Middle-Earth, MiddleEarth, Elf,
Elvies, Myths, Story telling, English Fantasy literature, Literary
collections, Middle Earth (Imaginary place)
'Le Livre des contes perdus, volume 1'
'J.R.R. Tolkien of the Darkening of Valinor and of the Flight of
the Noldor from the Silmarillion Read by Christopher Tolkien (Cdl
'Los Pueblos de la Tierra Media'
'Hobbit, czyli, Tam i z powrotem' -- subject(s): Fantasy, Middle
Earth (Imaginary place), Fiction
'The Origin of the rings'
'Hobbit, the' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY
'Les Deux Tours Des Anneaux 2'
'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'
'The Children of Hurin'
'The Treason of Isengard. Being the Third Book of The Lord of
the Rings'
'La Silmarillon (Lord of the Rings (French))'
'Das Silmarillion'
'Le Seigneur des Anneaux, tome 3'
'Narn i chin Hurin' -- subject(s): Middle Earth (Imaginary
place), Fiction, Fantasy fiction
'The Monsters and the Critics'
'The Hobbit the Musical'
'Le Seigneur Des Anneaux Tome 1'
'Songs for the philologists'
'The Fellowship of the Ring'
'The authorized edition of the famous fantasy trilogy of The
lord of the rings' -- subject(s): Accessible book, English Fantasy
'Unfinished Tales' -- subject(s): OverDrive, Fantasy,
'The Hobbit computer tape'
'The Hobbit'
'Bractwo pierscienia'
'The Lord of the Rings (Box Set) (J.R.R. Tolkien)'
'Bilbo, Le Hobbit (Lord of the Rings (French))'
'Bilbo le Hobbit, tomes 1 et 2 (Coffret)'
'Bauer Giles Von Ham (DTV zweisprachig)'
'The Tolkien Treasury'
'The 1992 J.R.R. Tolkien Calend'
'Guerra del Anillo 3'
'Appendices Final Book Lord of the Rings'
'Poems from the Hobbit Prepack'
'Mo jie san bu qu'
'Briefe vom Weihnachtsmann'
'Hobbits Journal'
'The \\'
'Tolkien 12 SW (Lord of Rings)'
'The Annotated Hobbit'
'The Book of Lost Tales 1 (History of Middle-Earth)' --
subject(s): elves, humans, gods, drwarves, balrogs, dragons
'Vlastelin Kolets'
'Tuor und seine Ankunft in Gondolin'
'The Fellowship of the Ring'
'Mo jie san bu qu'
'El Seor de Los Anillos II'
'Die Abenteuer des Tom Bombadil und andere Gedichte aus dem
Roten Buch'
'Brown Munro, Sr. (1829-1909)'
'Middle English \\' -- subject(s): Losenger (The Middle English
'Il signore degli anelli'
'The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings'
'Die Wiederkehr Des Konigs III'
'J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings (Modern Critical
'The Silmarillion (Volume I)'
'The Treason of Isengard (History of Middle-Earth)'
'The Return of the King' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY
'Return of the King'
'Comunidad del Anillo (Fellowship of the Ring) (Lord of the
Rings (Spanish))'
'Mo jie shou bu qu: mo jie xian shen ('The Lord of the Rings:
Fellowship of the Ring' in Traditional Chinese Characters)' --
subject(s): Protected DAISY
'Bilbo le Hobbit'
'The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit'
'Histoire de la terre du milieu, tome 1'
'Nachrichten aus Mittelerde'
'El Hobbit / the Hobbit'
'Druzyna pierscienia'
'El Silmarillion'
'O Hobbit'
'Les Aventures de Tom Bombadil'
'Mo jie san bu qu'
'The Hobbit'
'Silmarillion of Beren and Luthien (Swc 1564)'
'Iki kule'
'The Lord of the Rings' -- subject(s): Fiction, Middle Earth
(Imaginary place), English Fantasy fiction, Frodo Baggins
(Fictitious character), Fiction in English, Fantasy fiction, Frodo
Baggins, Gandalf (Fictitious character), Textual Criticism
'The lays of Beleriand' -- subject(s): Fantasy poetry, English,
Poetry, Middle Earth (Imaginary place), English Fantasy poetry
'Powrot krola'
'Peoples of Middle-Earth (History of Middle-Earth)'
'J. R. R. Tolkien Listy'
'The war of the ring' -- subject(s): English Fantasy fiction,
Textual Criticism, Middle Earth (Imaginary place), History and
criticism, Authorship
'Il Signore degli Anelli: 1: La Compagnia dell'anello / Italian
edition of The Lord of the Rings : 1'
'The Lord of the Rings (Movie Art Cover)'
'Seigneur DES Anneux'
'Roverandom' -- subject(s): Dogs, Fiction, Dragons, Fantasy,
Magic, Children's Story, Kids, Adeventure, Travel, Moon, Sea,
Ocean, Wizards, Transformation, Shapeshifting
'Smith of Wootton Major' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Fairy
'Book Wise Literature Guide to \\'
'The Lord of the Rings' -- subject(s): English Fantasy fiction,
Translations into German, German Fantasy fiction, Translations from
'El Hobbit / the Hobbit'
'The shaping of Middle-Earth: the Quenta, the Ambarkanta and the
Annals, together with the earliest \\'
'Hobbit, czyli, Tam i z powrotem' -- subject(s): Fantasy, Middle
Earth (Imaginary place), Fiction
'Tolkien Diary 2003'
'The Shaping of Middle-Earth' -- subject(s): English Fantasy
literature, Literary collections, Middle Earth (Imaginary
'Il Signore degli Anelli: 3: Il Retorno del Re / Italian edition
of The Lord of the Rings : 3'
'Sauron Defeated (The History of Middle-Earth Volume 9)'
'THE TWO TOWERS (Lord of the Rings'
'The Lord of the Rings'
'The Fellowship of the ring' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'Le retour du roi'
'Las Dos Torres'
'El Hobbit / the Hobbit'
'Hobbit Lord of the Rings'
'Tales from the Perilous Realm' -- subject(s): Middle Earth
(Imaginary place), Fiction, Poetry, English Fantasy literature,
'Der Herr Der Ringe (Lord of the Rings in German) vol.2 Die Zwei
Turme (The Two Towers)'
'Bractwo pierscienia'
'Dve tverdyni'
'Mo jie shou bu qu'
'Lord of the Rings Boxed Set U/P'
'The 1990 J.R.R. Tolkein Calend'
'Das Buch der Verschollenen Geschichten, 2 Bde'
'The Fall of Arthur'
'Feanors Fluch. Sonderausgabe'
'The Complete History of Middle-earth, Vol. 1 (The History of
Middle-earth, Vols. 1-5)'
'The \\'
'Le retour du roi'
'L'Album de Bilbo le Hobbit'
'Le Silmarillion'
'The return of the king / J.R.R. Tolkien'
'Smith of Wooton Major' -- subject(s): Short Story, Faery, Fairy
Tales, Modern Fairy Tales
'Bt-Tolkien Calendar'88'
'Campaign and Adventure'
'Vozvrashchenie Beorkhtnota'
'Hobbit, czyli, Tam i z powrotem' -- subject(s): Fantasy, Middle
Earth (Imaginary place), Fiction
'The Lord of the Rings (The Two Towers)'
'The Lord of The Rings' -- subject(s): Fiction, Middle Earth
(Imaginary place), Frodo Baggins (Fictitious character), Adventure
stories, Fantasy fiction, Fantasy, English Fantasy fiction, Fairy
tales, Large type books, Popular Print Disabled Books
'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Pearl Sir'
'The Lord of the Rings Book and Bookend Gift Set'
'The adventures of Tom Bombadil and other verses from The red
book' -- subject(s): English Fantasy poetry, Children's poetry,
English, Middle Earth (Imaginary place), Juvenile poetry
'J.R.R. Tolkien-4 Vols. (Boxed)'
'Bractwo pierscienia'
'Poems and Songs of the Middle Earth (Pm 59 Cx/Cassette)'
'The War of the Jewels (History of Middle-Earth)'
'The End of the Third Age'
'The Complete History of Middle-earth, Vol. 3 (The History of
Middle-earth, Vols. 10-12)'
'Hobbit, El'
'Egidio, El Granjero de Ham'
'J.R.R.Tolkien Reads Poems and Songs of Middle Earth'
'The Lost Road (History of Middle-Earth)'
'Dwie wieze'
'Il Signore degli Anelli : Le Due Torri / Italian edition of
Lord of the Rings'
'Poems from The hobbit' -- subject(s): Poetry, Miniature books,
English Fantasy poetry, Middle Earth (Imaginary place), Specimens,
Bilbo Baggins (Fictitious character)
'Realms of Tolkien'
'The Lord Of The Rings (Boxed Set) The Fellowship Of The Ring,
The Two Towers, The Return Of The King And The Hobbit'
'Las Cartas de Papa Noel'
'Tolkien Calendar 2004'
'The Silmarillion, Volume 2 (J.R.R. Tolkien)'
'Two Towers Rings Uk'
'Les Deux Tours'
'Le Retour du Roi (Le Seigneur des Anneaux, Tome III)'
'Der Herr der Ringe. Das offizielle Filmbuch'
'The Hobbit'
'Tolkien dzieciom' -- subject(s): Translations from English,
Children's stories, Polish
'The Silmarillion (Volume II)'
'Hobbit and the Fellowship of the Ring (Cdl5 1477-1)'
'La Traicion de Isengard'
'The Lord of the Rings Trilogy'
'The 1993 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar'
'Formacion de La Tierra Media, La'
'Hobbum, ulu Tuda u obramno'
'Tolkiens Lost Tales'
'O Hobbit/ The Hobbit'
'Hobbit, czyli, Tam i z powrotem' -- subject(s): Fantasy, Middle
Earth (Imaginary place), Fiction