Fame-Girls Sandra's real name: Sasha Sandra Durpfen; aka Sandra Orlow.
Amy Markham
Anita weyer
Jade Ramsey.sPatricia
Sandra Orlow's mom is not known. Sandra's real name is Sasha Sandra Durpfen, but little else is known about her.
Fame-Girls Sandra's real name: Sasha Sandra Durpfen; aka Sandra Orlow.
There is very little known about Sandra the teen model. Her history is not published online. Her real name is Sandra Orlow.
Amy Markham
The teen modle who goes by Sandra does not share much about herself with the media. At this time her real name and her mom's are unknown.
Her real name is Sandra Alvarenga :)
Anita weyer
Jade Ramsey.sPatricia
Although Sandra has kept a low profile in recent years, rumors started circulating about what she is doing today. Contrary to the rumors, she did not become a male escort and she no longer poses nude for magazines. She is trying to live a normal life and stays out of the public eye.
Sandra Orlow's mom is not known. Sandra's real name is Sasha Sandra Durpfen, but little else is known about her.
Sandra goodridge
Sandra Annette Bullock is her real name, her father is John W Bullock.Sandra Bullock's net worth is estimated to be $85 million.
Debbie Smith. Incorrect, her real name is Sandra Otterson