The spell diffindo splits seams and bindings (spine in a book, bottom of a bag)
You spell it Quiddich. Quiddich is a sport by flying on broomsticks.
Lumos. Is the spell.
In the fourth book, Harry used the spell, Diffindo, to rip Cedric Diggory.
Digitalis is not a spell in Harry Potter.
It causes the victims teeth to enlarge grotesquely In Goblet of Fire when Harry and Draco were fighting a curse from Draco missed and Hermione was hit by this spell
If you're playing on PS3, do not cast the spell with the square/left button - use the circle/right button instead and it should work fine..... did for me!
Harry Potter's favorite spell was Expelliarmus (disarming spell) but he also used Stupefy (stunning spell) a lot.
Harry Potter doesn't use a spell to fly, he flies using an enchanted broomstick.
There is no weak spell in Harry Potter. It is only weak if they caster of the spell is weak. When you cast a spell say it loud and clear.
The portus spell creates a portkey. A portkey is an ordinary object that can transport a person from one location to another by touching it.
the spell is a charm
confundo is a spell in Harry Potter.