Katniss recieves the broth after kissing Peeta. Katniss takes this as a message from haymitch that says "If you kiss Peeta, you will get sponsors" So that is why the broth is sent, because haymitch is trying to send her a message. Hope this helped (:
We do not know. It does not tell us. But Katniss thinks so. And FYI its Mockingjay, not hunger games
Because she was starving, and he wanted to help her. His mother had said to throw the bread at the pigs because Peeta had burnt it. instead he throws it to Katniss.
In the 74th annual Hunger Games, Katniss doesn't really seem to do anything to receive the gifts that Haymitch sends her. Haymitch watched The Hunger Games and observed what Katniss was doing and what exactly she needed and when she needed it. For instance, to gain the audience's attention and devotion for the "star crossed lovers of District 12", Haymitch sent Katniss broth to give to Peeta when he was in pain while he was in the cave to make the audience feel compassion for the couple.
Katniss is actually an aquatic plant that is also called Saggitaria. The seeds in the center of the flower of the plant are shaped like arrowheads. The plant gets its name from the Zodiac constellation Sagitarrius - or, "The Archer."
Katniss received gifts. She got burn medicine because she had a burn on her calf muscle. She received a loaf of bread from District 11 cause she sang her ally, Rue (District 11), to sleep or death. There was also a pot of broth. Katniss kissed Peeta Mellark and then got the broth. She got sleep syrup to knock Peeta out in order to get the medicine at the feast to help get away his blood poisining. Finally there's a basket filled with nice food, plates, and silverware. Katniss got this when she told Peta something.
Read the book again and if you did not read it, then read it to find the answer to this question.
in book one katniss's mother promises that she will take care of prim and not leave
Boiling the meat broth killed any existing microorganisms.
there was none
Cinna gives Katniss the nickname, 'Mocking jay'
It depends on the gift you are talking about.
It helped heal their burns
She had given it to Prim in the beginning but Prim gave it back afterwards. After that, it never mentions Katniss giving it to anyone elde :)
We do not know. It does not tell us. But Katniss thinks so. And FYI its Mockingjay, not hunger games
The burn cream and the bread are very valuable to Katniss and Peeta and serve a great purpose for them in the Hunger Games. When Katniss burns her leg severely in the sudden fire attack by the Gamemakers, she is in great need of that burn cream. So, when Haymitch sends it to her through the parachute, Katniss is very thankful and is able to heal her leg. It's quite obvious what purpose the bread serves for Katniss and Peeta. There are obviously not alot of food sources around (thanks to the Gamemakers) unless you snatched something from the Cornucopia when the Games began. Katniss and Peeta were obviously starving, so the bread helped to ease their hunger for a little while.