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Specific test for casein.when boiled with conc.HNO3 organic phosphorus in casein will be converted to inorganic phosphorus which gives yellow canary precipitate of ammonium phosphomolybdate

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What is the confirmatory test for casein?

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Why is the uninoculated control relatively unnecessary in casein hydrolysis test?

A casein hydrolysis test is used to ascertain whether or not an organism can produce the exoenzyme casesase. It is relatively unnecessary to use the uninoculated control because the casein hydrolysis is a fairly simple one and does not provide a result for the test.

Caseine in biuret test?

Casein form a purple compound in the biuret test.

How will you detect the presence of casein?

With ELISA test or other allergen test like pcr or atp.

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How do you know that casease is an exoenzyme and not a cytoplasmic enzyme in casein hydrolysis test?

Casease is an enzyme that is produced by bacteria. It is used to hydrolyze casein, which is a protein found in milk.

Would a hydrolysate of casein give a positive test with ammonium molybdate?


Is casein positive to millon's test?

Yes, because casein is one of the protein that makes up milk. And when milk is denatured (by heat, or by any means), the denatured protein is tyrosine-which is the only protein positive for millon's test.

What are other names for casein?

αS1 casein αS2 casein β-casein κ-casein

What is the difference between casein and pancreatic digest of casein?

Casein is a protein found in milk and the pancreatic digest of Casein is the breakdown of casein into Tryptone, Casitone and Trypticase. So basically it is the subunits of Casein