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the period is 1/60 s or 0.017s and the frequency is 60Hz

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Q: What is the period and frequency of a recording timer?
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How is the period related to the frequency of a timer?

The period of a timer is the reciprocal of its frequency, meaning that period (T) = 1/frequency (f). As the frequency of a timer increases, its period decreases inversely (and vice versa). For example, a timer with a frequency of 1 Hz (1 cycle per second) will have a period of 1 second, while a timer with a frequency of 10 Hz will have a period of 0.1 seconds.

What is the clock frequency of 555 ic timer?

The 555 IC timer does not have a clock.

What is the use of timers?

The recording timer is used to measure time. Races for example will use a recording timer to track certain records.

What fundamental motion was counted in recording timer?

The movement of the pendulum in a clock or stopwatch was counted in recording time.

What effect does increasing the timing capacitor have on the frequency out of an Astable 555 timer?

frequency drops

What is the use of resistance in timer?

The resistor and capacitor helps you to adjust the time period (or frequency) of the timer. (Usually astable multivibrator is used as a timer in electronic circuits) More the resistance, less is the current flowing through it. If the current flowing through is it to charge the capacitor is less, then the capacitor charges slowly. The timer changes it's state when the capacitor charges to a specific voltage ( Usually 1/3Vcc or 2/3Vcc). As it is made to charge slowly due to the high resistance, the clock frequency decreases. In the same way, to increase the frequency of the timer, the resistance value needs to be reduced.

How are frequency and wave period related?

Period = 1 / frequency

Why timers are used?

If you need to get something done at certain time or periodically.

What happens to period when frequency increase?

As frequency increases, the period decreases. This relationship is inverse, meaning that a higher frequency corresponds to a shorter period. Mathematically, the period is the reciprocal of the frequency, so as one increases, the other decreases.

How are frequency and period of wave related?

They are mutual reciprocals. frequency = 1/period period = 1/frequency

What is the Difference between period and frequency?

Time period = 1 / frequency. Frequency = 1 / time period.

What is the timer count needed to create a time delay of 100 ms if the timer clock frequency is 1MHz?

100ms=.1 1Mhz=1000000 .100x1000000=100K timer count