He got a no scope he didnt scope his gun no no, no scope was involved He got a no scope and now hes killed someone their dead he shot him in the head He got a no scope what a wondrous feat what a marvelous kill i concede What do you get when you get real stressed quickly pull the trigger and hope for the best call them a noob and hump their chest I think you just got a no scope And where did your daddy go He abandoned you when you were only seven years old And living on the streets is cold you beg for food and money You beg for food and love You beg for food and care again No no no no no no no no no no Scope scope scope scope scope scope scope scope scope scope No no no no no no no no no no Scope scope scope scope scope scope scope scope scope scope He got a no,no,no scope
One can find the lyrics to the song "Hit Em Up" by Lil Wayne on a few different sites dedicated to song lyrics. AZLyrics, MetroLyrics and Rap Genius all have the lyrics to this song. One can also view the lyrics while listening to the song on YouTube.
If you will tell me the lyrics, I will propose a name for the song. If you don't want to tell me the lyrics, you can call it Mysterioso.
Its because that's the poetical term for a sung poem, "Lyrics"
The song title was not requested it was the song lyrics to the Beatles song that was the puzzle. The lyrics and puzzle solution were "Get Back to where you once belonged"
to noscope you aim from the hip and fire directly where you are pointing this will result in superb aim.
song lyrics? you havnt exactly said what song lyrics to what?
The Convoy Song is a song by C.W. McCall. The full lyrics for the song can be found online on many lyrics websites such as Metro Lyrics and Lyrics Freak.
There are many websites that offer lyrics to songs including the song What If by Jason Derulo. The lyrics to this song are available on Metro Lyrics, AZ Lyrics and Song Lyrics.
music and lyrics = song music and no lyrics = music
Lyrics are the words to a song.
One can find the lyrics to the song Ironic from these lyrics websites: Sing 365, Song Meaning, Lyrics Mode, Lyrics Freak, Lyrics Mania, AZ Lyrics, Metro Lyrics.
The lyrics to the song "Cassie" by Flyleaf can be found at a number of sites specializing in song lyrics. Let's Sing It, AZ Lyrics, Metro Lyrics, and Sing 365 all have the lyrics to this song.
One can find the lyrics of the song 'Be Easy' by Massari from websites like Metro Lyrics, AZ Lyrics, Any Song Lyrics, E Lyrics, Song on Lyrics. These websites are known for providing the most accurate lyrics of all the songs.
Lyrics to the song, "The Logical Song," can be found online at websites like Lyrics Mode and Lyrics Freak. This song was released by Supertramp in 1979.
One can find the lyrics of the song 'The Christmas Song' by Nat King Cole on websites such as Song Lyrics, Lyrster, Seek Lyrics, Lyrics-Keeper, Lyrics007 and Lyricsmode.
One can find lyrics for the song "Write This Down" online at various websites. One can find lyrics for the song "Write This Down" at A-Z Lyrics and Cowboy Song Lyrics.