The sequel for "The Amazing Spider-Man" is set for release on May 2, 2014. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone will be returning for their roles- but it is unknown at this time if Marc Webb is returning to direct the film.
There's supposed to be two new add-ons to the Avengers movie. Like Thor, Captain America, The Hulk, and Iron Man... Black Widow and Hawkeye are supposed to have their own separate movies coming out.
There's also talk about a Thor 2 coming out. And an Iron Man 3. As well as an Avengers 2. I also heard about a super hero movie with Taylor Lautner as the main character, but I'm not sure of the title.
Then why has it not come out yet after all these years ,
you mean the spy next door, it comes out Jan. 15 2010 =D
According to the Internet Movie Database ( an Untitled Batman Project, starring Christian Bale as Batman, is supposed to come out at some point in 2011.
If you mean when is the next movie from the twilight saga, the next one is eclipse
I am not sure when the next musical animated Disney movie will be made. The last musical Disney movie was made in 2014 called Frozen.
Be a superhero on club penguin by wearing a super hero costume. If you don't have any, wait for the next Superhero party. You'll get one there!
Her next movie will come out this summer of 2010 which is Camp Rock 2!
Sometime in Fall 2009
Probably not until the next console.
It depends where you are
The santa clause character is he newest so far, there has been rumors the next will be with a car or a super hero, my hope is that it is a jogger.
i dont know when its going to come out but her next movie is going to be Shrek the fourth, she is the voice of the queen.
next as in the third or next as in the second? specify!!!!
it will come out on the 20 of may
There is no set date for the movie to come out. They haven't even started filming.
no super smash flash2 demo v0.8 hasn't come yet.It is going to come next year 2012. not the next year idiot.September.a dev tell me.
I'm not sure, I think the movie will come out sometime next year or the year after that.