There are many new devices that are used in land measurement (lend megerment). Some of the newest technology in land measurement are cell phone apps that use a GPS meter to measure area.
Lend is to borrow as harmony is to Discord
It provided the allies with supplies and weapons
A household saves for important things they might need in the future. For example, buying a bigger home, redecorating, or children's tuition. They lend out for the things they currently need.
After I broke my pencil, no one would lend me a new one.
Lend Me is when you can lend someone a book from your nook. But you can only lend that person the book once and you can not lend a book more than once. So once you lend a book to someone, you can't lend it to that person or anyone else again until you get a new nook. The person that you lend the book to has 1 week to accept the lend and then they have 2 weeks to read it. I believe the kindle has borrow it or something like that. Also, lend me is free.
borrow is a word that is opposite of lend.
Answer Lend Lease Act
if a bank will lend you money sure. YOU must have good credit.
Lend is a verb.
Lend is already a verb. For example "to lend something to someone" is an action and therefore a verb.
Lend is a verb.
Do you lend in Cincinnati,Ohio
The future tense is will lend.
Can you lend me your wheelborow