IT WAS BEYOND AMAZING. oh my god! best way to end a movie series. like seriously
Michael Gambon is playing Prof. Dumbledore in the new Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince.
The last Harry Potter book came out in 2007.However, the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince movie came out in 2009.
No but Logan Lerman was in some Disney movies like Hoot.
Harry Potter was first published on September 1st, 1998 in the USA.
NEW ZEALAND!!!!!!! many people have said they are filmed in londo, and surronding areas, but this is ver false. it is filmed in zurich new zealand. Whoever thinks it is filmed in the U>k is ver stupid indeed!!!!!!!! It is filmed in leavesden studio's LONDON. not new zealand like the person (idiot) above stated, they are thinking of lord of the rings which was filmed in new zealand. harry potter is filmed in the uk!! all the cast are british or ireish so why would they fly them all that way to shoot some scenes.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is a PG
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I and the film after that which will be the final film is called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II.
No. And why would you do that? A movie like that deserves to be watched in the cinema.
The film "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" (Harry Potter 6) was released in 2009. The book Harry Potter 7 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) will be made into two films, to be released in 2010, and 2011, respectively.
Daniel Radcliffe Harry Potter Himself
i think its a 12a
The newest Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, grossed approximately $928,239,206 worldwide.
Everybody will have different thoughts. Below is what some people think.Harry Potter by far.I like both. Harry Potter has more depth to it and I only really like the new Batman movies so Harry Potter is my favourite.Harry Potter.To me it's a no-brainer. Harry Potter is by far the best.
The last Harry Potter film was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. Look up "deathly hallows part 2 trailer" on YouTube if you want to see a trailer.
Yes, I have seen adverts for action figures of the people in it, and the havewands with the film clips aswell, there are new toys.
Emma Watson said she will not act in the sixth Harry Potter film because she doesn't want to be known as "the girl from Harry Potter".In the end she changed her mind so she will be acting in the sith Harry Potter film.Emma Watson said she will not act in the sixth Harry Potter film because she doesn't want to be known as "the girl from Harry Potter".In the end she changed her mind so she will be acting in the sith Harry Potter film.