The name of the tree is The Tree of Ages. The Tree of Ages is the tree that is near the bone eaters well. It is the one that InuYasha got sealed to 50 some odd years ago.
Sesshomaru is around 500, and Inuyasha is 150 if you subtract the 50 year death at the tree!
Um. There is a tree demon thing with a face on it in episode 51 or 52?
Kagome revisits the sacred tree (the Goshinboku, also called the God Tree) several times throughout the anime's run, including during the 26-episode wrap-up of the anime series, Inuyasha: Kanketsuhen (Inuyasha: The Final Act in English).Most notably, she is near it during the first several episodes of the anime, and again toward the last two episodes of The Final Act.The Sacred Tree is where Kikyo pinned Inuyasha using a sacred arrow just before her death, and where Inuyasha remained sleeping for 50 years until Kagome awoke him. It is not far from the Bone-Eater's Well, which Kagome uses to travel between the modern era and the Feudal Era. Of all the landmarks that appear in the Feudal Era, the Sacred Tree is the only one that is shown surviving to Kagome's era in modern times, and is located on her family's shrine property.
Inuyasha is a extremely HOT half demon that was pined to a tree by Kikyo a priestess his former lover Kikyo and Inuyasha were in love and got pined against each other by a despicable half demon named naraku. Naraku was a fugitive named onigomo that was burned and was treated by Kikyou and he wanted to spend his life with her so he sold his sole to some demons who dispraised Kikyou and Thurs was born Naroku. Naroku shiftshaped into Inuyasha and took out Kikyou. Then he shiftshaped into Kikyou and almost hit inuyasha so inuyasha went after the Sekon Jewel to become a full fleg demon and with the last of Kikyou's strength she pined Inuyasha to a tree with a sacred arrow then Kikyou died taking the Sekon Jewel with her. 50 years have past when a 15 year old ninth grader named Kagome Higuashi she thought that she was just your average 9th grader but on her 15th birthday she got pulled down her family's well by a demon who wanted the Sekon Jewle in her body she is the reincarnation of Kikyou. Then Kagome travled threw time in the futile aria were she climes out of the well and saw the tree that Inuyasha was pined to and she pulled out the arrow and save inuyasha and Kagome broke the Jewel on accident and now their trying to fined the jewle shards together I'M DONE YOU HAVE TO WATCH OR READ THE series SO GO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i forgot what episode, but yes. at first she died from naraku, then her "powers let her live off of souls" then later in the series, somewhere around the mount hakurai parts, naraku kills her for good
InuYasha was in love with Kikyo 50 yrs ago but due to Naraku's interference, Kikyo died while InuYasha was sealed to the Tree of Ages (or Sacred Tree). All in All Inuyasha is also in love with Kagome who is Kikyo's reincarnation. But In my opinion Inuyasha loves Kagome more then Kikyo (considering that's who he ends up with in InuYasha: The Final Act).
Sesshomaru is around 500, and Inuyasha is 150 if you subtract the 50 year death at the tree!
inuyasha was pinned to A tree because 50 years ago narakuor onigomo loved kikio so much he let himself be eaten by demons he then disguised himself as inuyasha and clawed kiko twice. then disguised himself as kiko and tried to shoot inuyasha. the real inuyasha thought kiko tried to shoot him so he was soooooo upset he stole the jewel and ran with it. the real kiko thought inuyasha was the one that hurt her so she shot him with an arrow and bound him to a tree.
I believe that happens in Movie 2, Inuyasha is trapped on a tree, by vines, and Someone ( i forgot who) shoots an arrow at Inuyasha and Kagome jumps in the way to save him and get injured. Hope that helps! -Miz
It was sometime after Sesshomaru's mother died surely. Since Inuyasha's mother is a human, it would most likely be 65-67 years before the current time the anime Inuyasha takes place. I get this number from Inuyasha being somewhere between 15 and 17, and the 50 years he was pinned to the tree. (He does not age when pinned to the tree.)
InuYasha is a half demon (honyou) that has be sealed to the sacred tree by the priestess Kikyo for 50 years until Kagome, who supposedly is Kikyo's incarnation, broke the seal and set InuYasha free. InuYasha's father is the great dog demon, a great demon who was one of the most powerful demons in the world. InuYasha's mother is a human named Izaioi. InuYasha also has an older brother named Seshomaru, who is not a half demon, but a full demon who has tremendous power. Since InuYasha's seal has been broken he searches for the sacred jewel shards with his friends Kagome, Shippo, Miroku, Sango, and Kilala (or Kirara), InuYasha and his friends also fight the horrible half demon Naraku. Some of the traits of InuYasha's are that he has a very high temper, he is a hot head, loves potato chips and ramen, and he loves both Kikyo and Kagome. One more thing, InuYasha has a sword that is one of his father's fangs named Tetsusaiga. Tetsusaiga can use the moves The Wind Scar, Baclashwave, Adiment Barrage, and Meido Zangetsuha. InuYasha can also use moves without Tetsusaiga called The Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, Blades of Blood, and just regularly punching people. InuYasha's voice actor is Richard Ian Cox. I hope this information could have been of some help to you all! :)
it hops onto the tree.
First "Inuyasha" slashes her arm, but "Inuyasha" was really Naraku. So that's why she pinned him to a tree. Then she dies. Then Naraku pushes her off a cliff.
kagome went to school and saw her brother in the temple and sota tried to get kagome 'cat and the demon grab her and went to the well when she realized she is on a forest then she saw inuyasha pined on a tree and the villager saw her and shot arrows and then they tied her up and then the old priestess looked at her and thought she was a demon then she realized kagome she not a demon then one night old priestess gave her food then the demon came to take the shikon jewel and kagome ran to the forest but the demon chased her then kagome called for help then inuyasha woke up with creepy face and he saw her and thought she is kikyo but she said she not kikyo then the demon tie inuyasha and kagome then inuyasha ask her to pulled put the arrow and inuyasha was relased from the tree and killed the demon then he also wanted to shikon jewel and he said if she didnt give the shikon jewel he will scatch her back and then inuyasha ran and chased her and kagome drop the jewel and all way to the bridge and inuyasha chased and the old priestess gave inuyasha the necklace and kagome said sit. the end
Um. There is a tree demon thing with a face on it in episode 51 or 52?
ok, i have it... House of cards, 1993. enjoy
jump up onto the tree