The Longest Day was the top earning box office movie released in 1962 grossing a non inflation adjusted $39,100,000.
Raiders of the Lost Ark was the top earning box office movie released in 1981 earning a non-inflation adjusted $230,329,080.
Paranormal Ativity (2009) led the horror genre in terms of woldwide box office grosses.
ZiG Zag and Top rolling papers
It is not known who invented the Sky box. However, the set top boxes are manufactured by the likes of Thomson, Samsung Pace and Amstrad for Sky.
In the name box toward the top left of the screen, to the left of the format bar.
An obtuse angle.
click the top right box on the menu, it says the name of your person. the badges are in the top screen
In the name box, located to the left of the formula bar toward the top of the screen.
The top of a box might be a lid. If there is no lid, there may be flaps.
type it in the name box, usally at the top right corner
Click 'Friends' and type in the desired friend's name in the box at the top of the page.
Cigarette-case , carton , pack , humidor , flip-top box .
command box
The box top program provides money to schools and organizations. Many schools have box top collection programs, and will usually get about 10 cents per box top.
In the Name Box, which is at the left end of the Formula Bar.In the Name Box, which is at the left end of the Formula Bar.
The white push button on the top of the box.