This answer is in my way and like to correct it because it is doing my head in when i search the web so people are getting confused with de do do do,de da da da.mp3
You can listen there
But that not what people want to listen to now the choclate company is M&M'S Chocolate now they maid a advert on TV witch was indeed the song that people are looking for because it sounds good know what people are having problems with is knowing the name but i think the name is M&M'S and they maid the song i dont think a song artisted maid that song, they maid it there self im not 100% sure so dont count me on that one Ying-Yang Twins is not part of that song MMM DO DO MMM DO DO MMM also pitbull did not make the songYing Yang Twins ft Pitbull - Shake.mp3
You can listen there
Or i could be getting confused that why me edited the answer but kept the orginal so if any of you know the M&M song re edit the post and are come back to check.
Shake (Remix), by the Ying-Yang Twins
New:: The original that was sampled though is Din Daa Daa by George Kranz
The song is sampled from "Street Player" by Chicago.
Teddy Pendergrass - Love TKO is the song playing, which is sampled on the song by Ahmad - Back in the day
There was a childrens sing/dance song called skamaress.
1234 by Leslie Feist and Sally Mary Seltmann Album : The Reminder (2007) External link :
Carly Simon - Why
the singer : Metro Station the song name : shake it please vote :)
The song is sampled from "Street Player" by Chicago.
This song starts with a passage from an older one - when the trumpets start to sing.
There is no song that is sampled in the singer Cassie's song, 'Me and You.' The singing group Le Youth has sampled this song.
I know the artist. it was jerry rivera. later sampled by wycleff right? i have unfortunately blanked on the title.
The song is by Pitbull ft. Lil' Jon, the name is = The Anthem (Calabria Remix) =
pitbull timber song dancing girl name
Brazil Street is a remixed song by artists Nicola Fasano and Pat Berry. Released in 2008, the song's beat has been sampled by artists like Pitbull in other tracks.
Yes it is sampled from the song "The Edge" by David McCallum.
Nayer Regelado