The lead is played by Allison Mossier...
It is a variation on Shubert's "The Trout
Take My Breath Away by Berlin
This is an uncredited role. His character is not named but is the Mexican boy selling lottery tickets.
The band is The Bravey, the song title is Believe
The name of the actor in the TN lottery cash cow ad is not known. There are no credits on the commercial.
The funds collected by The Illinois Lottery are used for the LotteryÍ—‘_Í_‘‰s operating costs like paying its employees, paying the printing of lottery tickets, contributing to the State Education Funds and funding of State Capital Funds to name a few.
Minnesota state law provides that your name, city of residence and the amount of the prize is public information and the Lottery will release that information. Your street address, phone number and social security number is private information and will not be released by the Lottery.
I don't know for sure
Hold On
u but hole
reo speedwagon is the name of the band
The song that Drake played in the Mountain Dew commercial is called "Laugh Now Cry Later."
'The National Lottery' is the name of the United Kingdom's lottery. There are no other lottery organisations in the UK - 'The United Kingdom Lottery' is either an incorrect reference to National Lottery, or a fake name used for an email scam.
Her name is Minton Sparks. She's a "speaker-songwriter" who lives Tennessee. Find out more at
"Jeans On" is the name of the song in the Red Camel jeans commercial.
What is the name of the piano music played in the Expedia-Safari Television Commercial