Mambo Number 5
That's singer-songwriter Todd Rundgren and the song is "Hello, It's Me"
There are a few ads by Dulux, can you describe it. Also check related link
dude its Lobo- I'd love you to want me the song name is right but the version of the song sung in the ad is by Marcel Romanoff.
Download the song at following location: ... (more info) its a bo diddley song
The Song Fleetwood mac's "Big Love", but the original song is bit different than the Ad's song.
Its an ad jingle, ie. made specifically for this ad. There is no name or a full version of this "song"
With God to the end.
the song's name: Spyplayed by: Beat Assailant
Sandeepa Dhar acted in it, she is Kashmiri girl
your mom's mom
Stranglehold by ted nugent
the name of the song is Do the weenie dance!
The song is called Shine On- Sung by Jet
I ain't no ordinary man
give it to me
Free to and me by the New Seekers