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Mozarts Sonata 11 in A Major

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Q: What is the name of the piano song on jet li's movie unleashed?
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What is the name of the song Emily played on the piano in the movie the raven?

Chopin's nocturne Op. 9 no. 2

What song is it on durarara on the piano?

The Name Of The Song Is "Best Friend" And They Have A Piano Version And A Regular Version Of The Song.

What was Miley Cyrus last song?

her character's name was Veronica, but Ronny for short. she plays piano and sings in that movie.

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What song was played on piano in movie the last song?

In the movie "The Last Song," the main character, Ronnie, plays "When I Look at You" by Miley Cyrus on the piano. It is a key moment in the film as it showcases her emotional journey and her bond with her father.

When was Unleashed - song - created?

Unleashed - song - was created on 2009-09-25.

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The instrument at the end of and throughout the movie Cousins is a piano. The piano is the main instrument in the theme song as well.

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Moonlight Sonata, Beethoven

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Erik Satie's Gnossienne #3