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The Bite (1989)

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Q: What is the name of the movie where the man gets bit on the arm and his hand turns into the snake?
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British gangster-movie where someone gets his Hand Chopped off?

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What is the connection with smoking and gangrene?

the tissue on your feet and ligments gets derstoyed and when it dies your body turns green.QUESTION for the this Answer. Pray elaborate how"the tissue on your feet and "ligament's" gets "destroyed" and when it dies your body turns green" is related to gangrene. Does smoking destroy the tissue on your hand and feet? Or the brain tissues of some amoeba?

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There is no such recognised species as a 'garden snake' - a Garter snake on the other hand - is Thamnophis sirtalis

What does a Snake in hand mean?

Check the links below

What is the hand signal for left hand turns?

stick your left arm out of the window

What kind of snake is Petunia who curls around Dr Mongomery's hand in Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events?

The snake is an albino Nelsons milk snake.

What did God use to prove to Moses that the people knew that he had seen God?

Three signs (Exodus ch.3-4): his hand becomes briefly leprous a stick changes into a living snake water from the Nile turns to blood.

What is the movie where a man pretends to put a girls hand in a garbage disposal?

The Mechanic [2011] [R] He holds the teenage girl's hand over an in-sink garbage disposal, the woman shouts, the man turns on the disposal and we see blood and chunks of tissue fly through the air (he turns off the disposal, holds up the teenage girl's hand, which is unharmed, and throws a piece of butcher meat on a counter.

Can a Worm Snake bite you?

No they dont they just wiggle in your fat hand