'Tofa', or if you may not see them again for a long time, 'Tofa soifua'.
Dawakin Tofa's population is 247,875.
In Punjabi, the word "tofa" translates to "gift" or "present."
tofa soifua is the formal translation of good bye in Samoan
The area of Dawakin Tofa is 479 square kilometers.
Goodbye is Tofa Soifua, and Bye is Fa (like in the last two letters of Tofa.
Tofa soifua, Tofaina, Soifua, Tofa (all these words are the respectful ways of saying farewell/goodbye. Bye is Fa, which is the an abbreviation for Tofa.
Abdu Dawakin Tofa died on 2003-02-27.
You can say goodbye in Tuvaluan by using the phrase 'Tofa'.
Goodbye in Samoan is "Tofa Soifua".hello-Talofa God bye-Tofa
Hello - Talofa Goodbye - Tofa Soifua
Tofa is a Samoan equivalent of 'Goodbye'. Fa is an informal equivalent. But whatever the way in which it's said, the answer may be 'Tofa soifua'.