Deadlox appears on the computer game Minecraft. No one really knows his real name but it is believed that his real first name is Tyrone. Minecraft is also available on the Xbox 360 and in the App store.
Diya Mirza
"Come and go with me to that land"
Go to "Planet Minecraft" and search for One Direction servers.
No one cares about minecraft, go play a real video game stupid nerd
You can't 'restart' your minecraft account, but you can delete all of your saved files and change your name and skin.
Congrats i actually face-palmed..the minecraft folder is where all files necessary to run minecraft are located while the launcher isn't located in this folder.Directory to the .minecraft folderC:\Users\(user name)\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft
Open Minecraft and click on the "Option" button and select "Force Update" and it will reinstall the files and start over. It won't touch the saves or world files only the core Minecraft files.
No, unless you save a world on your computer files
once you download the map (this goes for any downloaded map by-the-way) take the folder with the map files, and place it in the "saves" folder of your minecraft files. to get to the minecraft files on Mac: go to finder library application support Minecraft OR - shortcut is SHIFT+COMMAND+G then type: ~/library/application support/minecraft
You can. Just get it from the Minecraft Forum. Run it, then you can make and edit skin files for Minecraft.
Yes. The files save locally, and you can have multiple save files in one computer.
One of the Minecraft files that are required to start it may be corrupted. Uninstall and reinstall Minecraft and see if that fixes it.
That will usually happen when a) Your Java has a problem b) A Minecraft Mod was installed incorrectly c) The files of your Minecraft is messed up
Go to the minecraft folder in your files, press saves, and drag the map into the saves folder.
.bat files are Windows, so no.