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Q: What is the name of the font used in title of bollywood movie rockstar?
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What is the font name of mangal pandey title?

The font used for the title of the movie "Mangal Pandey: The Rising" is a custom designed font and not a standard font available for public use. It was created specifically for the movie's branding and promotional materials.

What font is used on the title for insidious?

The font used on the title for "Insidious" appears to be a customized version of the Trajan Pro font. It has been modified to create a unique look for the movie title.

What font is used for the green lantern movie title?

A specially made font.  Its generally called a novelty font..

What font did they use for the transformer title?

The font used for the "Transformers" title is called "Transformers Movie". It is a custom-designed font specifically created for the franchise and is not available for public use.

What font is Gone written in?

The font used for the word "Gone" in the movie title is likely a custom or hand-drawn font created specifically for the movie's branding. It is not a standard font that is readily available for use.

What is name of the font in which the title of the movie mangal pandey was written?


What font is the vishwaroopam title?

The title font of Vishwaroopam is a custom-designed font that is not publicly available for download or purchase.

What font is used for the breakfast at Tiffany's movie title?

I've heard its called Palace Script but I dont know

What font is used for the title of insidious?

Neutraliser Sans Font

What font is used for the title of People magazine?

cairo, a true type font

What font is the halo title?

Fonts are customizable. This is not a font you will find on an ordinary computer.