I heard that she got him from an animal shelter but "What is the dog she has" Doesn't say weather you want his name or breed. His name is Baylor, She and Justin Beiber adopted because she missed her dogs back at home, and he is a Siberian Husky/Rotwiller. He is a mutt. (If you look you can tell by his paws : )
a dog from Texas which Selena named Baylor after a Texas university <3 Baylor is adorable
Selena Gomez got her her five dogs in 2001. The name of the five dogs are: chip, willie, wallace, vena and chazz. Selena Gomez's dog Chip is a boy dog.
Was it Moris? Yes, it was Morris. Thank you. Sorry, didn't adopt the dog though.
selena has dogs--wallace, mango, chip, fina, and willy
Selena has a dog named Willie whos breed is unknown, Wallace, a German shepherd boxer mix, Chip, a Welsh Corgi, Fina, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, and Chazz, a mutt they rescued in Puerto Rico while filming the Wizards of Waverly Place movie. Selena also says that when she lives on her own, she'll have five animals-specifically dogs
Selena Gomez's family has 5 dogs:Willie - Labrador-Retriever MixWallace - German shepherd and boxerChip - Welsh corgiFina - Rhodesian ridgebackChazz - a muttAnswered by SellyselMgomez on stardoll The real selenaSELENA GOMEZ I LOVE U AS A STARSelena Gomez have 2 dogs and of cours she have 2 kinds of dogs and it'sThe first name is Carly and its kind is pit bull.The secound name is margrete and its kind is cheez .PITBULLS
I think the dog's name is Baylor ! I think Justin and Selena adopted this animal from a shelter in Canada. These 2 Love birds help animals!
She adopted a Husky with JB (Justin Bieber)
she has five adopted dogs named Chip Willie Wallace Fina and Chazz
Acturally It Was Selena And Justin That Adopted The Dog. The Dogs Name Is Baylor.
Its only Selena's dog not Justin's he was just there when she adopted him and his name is Baylor.
adarozo gwapozo
It is very dumb. Maybe just Selena but not Selena Gomez
If you mean Selena Gomez, she and Justin Bieber adopted a 10-week-old Husky-mix puppy from the D'Arcy ARC in Winnipeg, Canada in October 2011. They named the dog Baylor.
They named their dog Baylor
Baylor is his name