Started out as "Vanessa's Flowers" then changed to "Vanessa and Barry: Flowers; Honey; Legal Advice" at the end of themovie
Green Bee's real name is Ethan Sholdger, but the actor playing him is Evan Nieva.
Bee Movie was created on 2007-11-02.
The leading role of Saul in the 2005 movie Bee Season is played by Richard Gere. The leading actress playing his wife is Juliette Binoche. The movie is based on the novel of the same name by Myla Goldberg.
Jerry Seinfeld.
bee movie
The name of the movie is the BEE Movie.
yes a flower provide shelter for a bee
a bee takes pollen into and out of the flower ;)
Symbiosis! When both bee and flower benefit.
Symbiosis! When both bee and flower benefit.
Symbiosis! When both bee and flower benefit.
Mutualism - both species benefit from their relationship. The bee comes to the flower to collect nectar as food, and brushes against the anthers of the flower, which are covered in pollen. The bee moves to another flower to collect nectar and rubs the pollen off on the second flower's stigma, fertilizing the flower. Thus, the bee receives a source of food from the flowers, and the flowers are pollinated by the bee.
Some mutualism example are a bee and a flower. clownfish and an anemone. Bee and Flower are good mutualism because the Bee pollen the flower to get honey and energy.
Bee Movie
It collects the nectar and pollen (pollinating the flower).
flower+bug= bee