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the chaperone

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Q: What is the name of episode when Spongebob takes Pearl to the prom?
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When will there be a eposide when spongebob girlfriend appear on the show?

She is on every episode! Her name is Pearl!!(((: <3

What band performed at pearl's 16th birthday on SpongeBob SquarePants on the episode of whale of a birthday?

Boys Who Cry was the name of the band that played at Pearl's 16th Birthday party.

What is the name of the episode of SpongeBob with the treasure map?

Arrgh! is the name of the episode.

What is the name of the Spongebob episode with the salty spittoon?

The name of the episode is "No Weenies Allowed".

Is SpongeBob's name going to be changed to SpongeBob roundpants?

no, because he changes is name at the end of the episode

What is the name of the episode of SpongeBob squarepants that SpongeBob gets married?

SpongeBob SquarePants gets married to Sandy Cheeks in the episode called Truth or Square.

What is the name of the song that comes out in the SpongeBob episode SpongeBob Buffpants?

muscleBob Buffpants i know EVERYTHING about spongeBob

What is the name of the episode of SpongeBob SquarePants that SpongeBob goes into patricks dreams?

sleepy time

What is the name of the episode of SpongeBob SquarePants that spongebob learns he has a special ancestor?

Pest of the West

What is the name of the SpongeBob episode when SpongeBob sprays squidward with kelp spray?

''Giant Squidward"

What spongebob episode has the fish that yelled chocolate?

Chocolate with Nuts is the name of the episode

What is the name of the music of SpongeBob dance?

The music played at Spongebob and Pearl's dance was "Doing The Sponge".