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Which one? "Real American" I think is sung by Rick Derringer and "Voodoo Child" is Jimi Hendrix. Rick Derringer sings "Real American." Hogan actually got sloppy seconds off that song, though a lot people don't know it. The song was originally the entrance theme for Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda when they both were in the WWF and a tag team courting this whole All American boys gimmick that lived, eat, breathed and slept the stars and stripes. After they broke up and left and went back to the NWA, Hulk Hogan picked it up for his entrance theme and made it famous. go to WWW>HULKHOGAN.COM and you will find it in his MEDIA center

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The song is titled "Hes Da Ma", the song was released on WWE Music Vol. 8.

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"Real American"

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Q: What is the name of WWE hornswoggle theme song?
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its hornswoggle by the way, and its not sung or at least i havent heard any words in it, but i do know its called: Hes Da Ma", and the song was released on WWE Music Vol. 8.

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if u dare.