Invasion was the name of the theme song used by wrestler Bill Goldberg. This intense song was performed by Christian Poulet and Jean-Yves Rigo.
what is the name of the new theme song of the ultimate warrior return,in nwe?
fighting Irish man or my name is finlay and i love to fight
Entrance song by The Black Angels
Rubberband Man by The Spinners
Ain't no stopping us now
Edge's entrance song is called 'Metalingus' and its by Alter Bridge.
You have to put it on a CD then put it in the machine, rip the CD, then make a new playlist with just that song, call it goldberg. then in the game when choosing music select User music (or something like that) and it should be there
the song is break the walls now
His entrance music is call MY TIME IS NOW
Kill Bill theme song just type that in for DL.
Edge's entrance theme song is called 'Metalingus' by Alter Bridge.
im coming
its she looks good
I do believe that it was Megadeath who made his theme song.
La Vittoria e Mia is the name of his entrance theme in English it means victory is mine