Stevie Nicks's birth name is Nicks, Stephanie Lynn.
Stevie Wonder his was a bolero style
No, Stevie Wonder is still alive and well. He is 61
Stevie does not have it's own meaning, because it is short for Steven. Steven means "Crown"
Stevie Lange's birth name is Stevie Van Kerken.
Stevie Ryan's birth name is Stevie K. Ryan.
the name Stevie means friendly
No, Stevie is not just a name for a boy. It can be the the nickname for Steven girls can be named STEVIE cause I am.
Stevie Nicks's birth name is Nicks, Stephanie Lynn.
Stevie Knight's birth name is Pendle Steven.
Stevie Rachelle's birth name is Steven Hanseter.
There is a short sample of a Stevie wonder song in Karma.
Stevie Merike's birth name is Michael John Willis.
Cousin Stevie's birth name is Stephen R. Forem.