The answer is Sdrawkcab is spelled backwards.
Selena Khoo's birth name is Selena Khoo Chiew Guat.
Oprah. Harpo is Oprah spelt backwards but it was also the name of a character she played in 'The Colour Purple'.
Selena's real name is Selena Marie Gomez born in 1992
No, it is Selena Marie Gomez
The name “bob” spelled backwards would have the same name, as “bob”.
No, she likes is spelled properly.
WikiAnswers spelled backwards is srewnaikiw. Wolfquest spelled backwards is tseuqflow.
a code name for a mock invasion of Cuba (Castro spelled backwards)
Yerfniw Harpo
Bob. If you reverse it, it still spells the same name.
Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Yum.
The cast of My First Name Spelled Backwards - 2000 includes: Natalie Dolishny Dave Oren Ward
'Was' is 'saw' spelled backwards.
A word that can be spelled the same way forwards and backwards is called a palindrome.
They are called palindromes.