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For musical notation, pp stands for pianissimo, which means very softly, and ppp stands for piano possible, which is as soft as possible.

If you want to gradually get softer in volume, you would write a diminuendo (dim), which simply means, gradually softer as you play. Hope that was helpful!

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The softest musical symbol that I know of is pianissimo; represent with pp. In the dictionary, the definition of pianissimo is very soft. So when playing pianissimo in music, you would play as soft as you possibly can.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

pp-Pianissimo-very soft By the way check out musicandanarchy on YouTube.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

The music symbol for very soft is pp. Pianissimo. Meaning 'very soft' in Italian.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Piano (Italian). This is often indicated by p in sheet music.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

piano often indicated by p

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Piano, meaning gentle or soft

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βˆ™ 11y ago


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Q: What musical term means very softly?
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What musical term means very?


Piano is a musical term meaning to play?

Yes, "piano" is a musical term that instructs the performer to play softly. It is derived from the Italian word "pianoforte," which means "soft-loud." The piano is a versatile keyboard instrument capable of producing a wide range of dynamics, from very soft (piano) to very loud (forte), depending on the musician's touch and the force applied to the keys.

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The musical term that means to slow tempo is ritardando. If you'd like to slow the tempo very quickly you'd call it a molto ritardando.

What is term for very softly in music?

"Piano" is the most common word for "softly." It is written in a musical composition with the letter "p." The word "pianissimo" means very softly, and it is written in a piece as "pp." [minor edit. Footnote in discussion.]

What does the Italian musical term pianissimo mean?

It is a dynamic marking, indicating that a passage should be played very quietly.A brief lesson in music dynamic markings:Fortissimo (ff) = Very LoudForte (f) = LoudMezzo-forte (mf) = Medium LoudMezzo-piano (mp) = Medium SoftPiano (p) = SoftPianissimo (pp) = Very Soft

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The softest of these terms is Pianissimo, meaning very softly. It can go softer though, Pianississimo means very very softly.

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This is usually a suffix rather than a term, but adding "issimo" to the end of a word intensifies the root word. Eg Piano means soft, pianissimo means very soft.

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